
We are a family of six that exist to bring glory to our Creator and to enjoy Him everyday of our lives.


We have been saved by grace and owe our forever gratitude to our King.  In our human frailty we aspire to be active in expressing the Kingdom of God in every area a society: Government, Education, Media, Arts, Marketplace and Church.

This blog is dedicated to the glory of God to log the life happenings of this family in the times we're living in.  My main purpose as keeper of the home is to disciple the future great grand daughters of our family.  I didn't have a mother mentor to teach me many things about being a manager of my home.  Thus, it is my prayer that 200 years from now, all of our generations of daughters and daughters-in-law would be known to be women of faith who love their children and are obedient to their husbands.  So, I try to provide my research and the explanation of why I do certain things so that understanding and wisdom would be applied.  We also seek to bless and encourage others to strive for God's best for their lives and not settle or conform to the patterns of this world.  May you find this site edifying as we share from our brokenness, mistakes and triumphs what goes in our household and what goes on around us.

imageI am a blessed mother of four, a homemaker, home educator and a happy wife to an awesome wise, humble, loving, man of God who is dedicated to his family and who continually wars against the enemies of God in our culture.

imageOur three daughters, Danielle Lizbeth 8, Destiny Sarah 5, and Liberty Joy 6 months, are fun loving sisters who have taught me so much in their early age and who make me a better mother. Our handsome little boy, Noah Yehoshua is a passionate warrior for Yeshua Jesus.  All of our three children have been born naturally and three have been born at home.

I welcome all sincere comments.  This is a safe place for questions, thoughts, concerns, find encouragement and blog fellowship.

Things I like:

Reading, Bible, History, Cooking and Baking from scratch, Gardening, Prayer,  Children's music and House of Prayer worship, Meeting people, Babies, Writing,  Everything natural and organic, Raw Milk, Real Wholesome Foods, Creation, Hiking, Beach, being a helper to my husband, a homemaker, dancing, arts, classical music, pro-life activist, missionary, End Times


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